Making sure you understand your customers is fundamental for any company, but understanding your non-customers, and in turn your competitors play an equally important part in the growth of a company.
We have conducted large scale quantitative studies and in-depth qualitative studies for our clients with installers, specifiers and across distribution channels – using a carefully thought out questioning approach in order to understand the competitors on the market, how they position themselves and their strengths and weaknesses.
This enables our clients to tailor their approach to really exploit their competitor’s weaknesses, and build on their strengths to help generate business.
We utilise a combination of approaches to provide our clients with up to date and insightful information on the competitor landscape, including desk research where appropriate, as well as primary research methods including telephone interviewing, online surveys, face to face qualitative or quantitative studies, and a range of other potential (i.e. mystery shopping for instance).
Our competitor analysis research in the construction sector is focused on allowing you to align research outcomes with business decisions, and we ensure that we provide insight-driven research outputs to allow for business decision makers to find a competitive edge quickly and reliably.