A house builder is someone who builds houses for a living or as a business. They are often known as property developers, who construct both residential buildings for individuals to exact specifications, through to new housing estates.
House builders often work independently, employing contractors for services required to complete a project. Three different types of builders are generally known as:
- Custom home builders who are generally small volume, one-of-a-kind tailored builds.
- “Spec” house builders are known to buy land, build a house then sell the home – speculating on a return from the build.
- The third type are known as “Tract” or Production Home Builders/Developers”, who develop large plots of land, which are divided into smaller plots for each house. On the whole, the designs from Tract builders do not change much, as they build properties in large volumes.
The DJS Research construction team is experienced in providing House Builder market research services. Our previous projects have included a range of services such as new product reviews, market sizing, and tenant satisfaction, contractor research.
We understand how important house builders can be too many different attributes of development projects and we have under taken research in this area specifically for clients such as Colne Housing.
If you would like to learn more about our House Builder market research capabilities, please click here or feel free to call us on +44 (0)1663-767857.
DJS Research is an MRS company partner and an approved supplier for the CROWN COMMERCIAL SERVICE FRAMEWORK and a range of major construction sector clients, some of whom specialise in and conduct Construction market research.