Installers are the most diverse group in the construction market.
With such a variety of trades in the construction industry, various considerations must be made when aiming to reach these professionals through to the analysis stage. There are often many sub-groups within installer profile, and our construction specialists are experienced in grouping and targeting relevant profiles to ensure the best outcome for the research. With installers being very busy profiles, who are regularly out on site, our team is experienced in tailoring our recruitment approach of individual trades to ensure we take the most productive approach to the fieldwork stage of a project.
We have a wealth of experience in conducting large scale, international research projects with installers. We are able to engage these often time conscious professionals in very in-depth interviews, face-to-face, for up to two hours. We also have experience in conducting observations and accompanied shops with professional tradesmen, observing purchasing behaviour, and attitudinal behaviour when visiting their suppliers.
We are also well positioned to conduct much larger scale quantitative projects with this audience using our in-house telephone unit. Our experienced business-to-business telephone interviewers are aware of the challenges associated with installers, and use their skills to garner invaluable detail in relation to any, often technical, construction topic. Our CATI system also enables us to quota these professionals to ensure we achieve good representation of trades, should it be required.
General contractors
General contractors play an integral role in the construction industry – quite regularly exposed to a variety of trades and techniques, general contractors have a great understanding of products, brands and trends within the construction market.